Soroptimist International of the Americas
Philippines Region (A Foundation),Inc.
Soroptimist International of Lucena
Chartered August 7,1972
On August 7, 1972, SI Lucena was chartered. Its twenty-seven chartered members, led by first charter President, Flotilda “Nene” Villariba, courageously accepted the challenge to uphold the philosophy of service to others through Sincerity of Friendship, Joy of Achievement, Dignity of Service, Integrity of Profession, and Love of Country. They started the Soroptimist Journey by adapting to club membership, getting acquainted with one another, learning club administration and procedures, internalizing the pledge, studying best way attaining the club’s goals and objectives, and developing themselves as Soroptimist leaders who would make a difference for women.
By 1976, SI Lucena had already made its identity as service-oriented organization in Lucena City. Its significant presence in many community-based activities focused on women and girls had been felt. SIL considered itself to be at par that year with other new clubs in working earnestly for recognition and fulfillment of Soroptimist mission and goals. (Read more)
Club Officers Biennium 2024-2026